Mud-Blocking Accessories, Brands, And Aftermarket Parts For Honda UTVs
Sep 29th 2021
Accessories like Honda Talon and Honda Pioneer fender flares are must-have upgrades for wet environments, but there’s more to mud abatement than keeping crap off your lap. Sure, its annoying when mud and water gets flung all over the place, but for those who ride strip pits full of high-sulfur coal, thwarting the buildup of mud is crucial to prevent exposed aluminum parts, components, and accessories from cording. It’s one thing to use the appropriate Honda Pioneer / Honda Talon mud flaps, fender flair extensions, and lower doors to block mud, but to achieve 100% protection on everything from the body plastics to the undercarriage, Honda UTV mud repellents must be applied. But whatever the conditions are like in the areas where you most frequently ride, below are our thoughts on the best mud-blocking products for the Honda Talon and Honda Pioneer!
Honda Talon And Honda Pioneer Fender Flares

One of the best ways to nip mud in the bud is through the use of Honda Pioneer and Honda Talon fenders, fender flairs, and fender extensions. Firms like Spike Powersports, Mud Busters, and RockBlokz are all well known for their cutting-edge UTV fenders and mud guards, with the former making complete fender kits for both the Honda Talon and Honda Pioneer.
The front and rear fender flares by Spike Powersports are fabricated using .125-inch high-density polyethylene. In this way, their fenders are rigid enough to not sag when caked with mud, but also flexible enough to bend rather than break should they come into contact with trees, poles, dirt hills, or other vehicles.
When riding over silty soil and clay-rich ground, you’ll find that a majority of the mud flinging comes from the back tires. Depending on the thickness, viscosity, and moisture levels of the Earth, you might get mud caked all over the roof of your rig by simply riding out to the deer stand. So if you are unsure about a full set of Honda Talon or Honda Pioneer fender flares, you should at the very least consider rear fenders.

Many riders go with the Honda Talon R fenders by Mud Busters because they are bigger than standard fenders. The coverage that these XL Honda Talon fenders provide is awesome, but because the Honda Talon rear fenders by Mud Busters lack significant support structures, they are prone to droop if they either become too hot or get plastered with thick layers of heavy mud. For this reason, serious mud riders frequently go with the Honda Talon fender kits by RockBlokz.
RockBlokz fenders for Honda UTVs are well-built, sturdy, and aesthetically pleasing. They don’t jut way out like Dumbo ears, and they can take a beating without cracking, deforming, or getting ripped off. But what sets the RockBlokz fenders apart from other Honda Talon and Honda UTV fender flares is their rear support brackets. And if you pair some RockBlokz fenders with a set of stainless steel mounting bolts, you’ll have outstanding protection against mud and water that’ll last a lifetime!
Honda Talon And Honda Pioneer Mud Repellents
Fenders, cab enclosures, and doors create a physical barrier that prevents mud from entering the cabin. But to “mud-proof” the exterior of your side-by-side, you’ll want a product that is effective, inexpensive, and easy to apply. SC1 works well for this, but it’s a bit pricy. Power Lube mixed with WD-40 applied with a pump sprayer can also work, but it may begin to fade your cowling over time. So what can one apply to their rig to prevent mud, dust, and dirt from sticking?
There are many products that can be applied to the body and undercarriage of a UTV to create a coating that protects against grit and grime. Some riders use Dollar Store furniture polish to prevent mud and clay from adhering to their machines, while others use Pledge, Armokote, Tire Foam (the stuff in the white can), or even baby oil -- although the latter two don’t smell as nice as the former two. Additionally, products like Him O Lube, Zymol, Liquid Gold, and Spray Silicone can also work. For something more natural, you can use a 50/50 mix of Linseed Oil and Mineral Spirits applied with a pump sprayer. And for everything from cars and quads to helmets and glass, Lucas Slick Mist is known to works wonders!
Concluding Remarks
Even if you rarely ride mud, it’s nice to have measures in place to protect both you and your machine when things get unexpectedly dirty. Some Honda UTV doors, windows, and cab enclosures aren’t 100% sealed, making the use of fenders important regardless of whether you’ve installed said accessories or not. And as far as preventative maintenance goes, the application of hydrophobic, anti-dust, and mud repellant products will go a long way to protect both the look and performance of your rig. Encountering mud and dirt is inevitable when off-roading, but just because you ride throught a messy state of affairs, doesn’t mean that you yourself have to get messy!